Mystique Beauty: A Intimate Conversation With Angel Mckenzie of Us Talk Show

Angel Mckenzie is one of the fabulous Co-Host of Us Talk Show. Her mission in life is to live daily in a motivational mindset. Angel adds, “I not only work on becoming a better me every chance I get, but I want to help others find that in themselves as well.
LS: How would you describe your musical ear?
AM: Given the fact that I was born into a musical family I would say that my musical ear is very sharp. I hear music in everything and everywhere
LS: Where does your creativity flow? How do you avoid burning out?
AM: My creativity normally flows when I’m in the studio when I’m working on my music or on a regular day when I’m alone listening to instrumentals. How I avoid burning out is by taking breaks in between for a few minutes or grabbing a bite to eat. Normally I meditate and prepare myself mentally for a session but most of the time I’m always ready to sing
LS: What was the most defining time for you?
AM: The most defining time for me was when I recorded my first cd, I went on tour, and my music played on the radio. I opened up for major artists
LS: Tell us about the vision behind your music?
AM: The vision behind my music is to bring life to music. When I say that I mean singing about life. It is the universal language that everyone understands
LS: There’s a heavy cost to pursuing and pulling your vision together. Who is your biggest support system throughout your journey?

AM: Throughout my journey, I have had many supporters, too many to name. Some I don’t have any contact with. I always thought of it as people coming into my life for a reason and a season
LS: How do you think COVID has affected the music industry?
AM: I honestly think that it has helped. For me, I have found my inner strength through the pandemic. It has allowed me to be even more creative, come up with new ways to make a living, and pursue my music career. I have even recorded enough music to make three more EP’s
LS: You inspire so many in the music industry, how does that make you feel?
AM: Honestly it amazes me because sometimes I feel like I’m not reaching anyone, but then I will get a message or receive a call from someone telling me how much I inspire them and that they love my music.
LS: If you could change anything about the music industry what would it be?
AM: The facade of having a look or status to make it. There are people out there that have amazing gifts and don’t make it just because they don’t have a certain look or status.

LS: What advice do you have for aspiring artists?
AM: My advice would be to continue to sing and don’t stop believe and know that God gave you that gift for a reason and your voice will change someone’s life
LS: You have accomplished so much with music, beauty, and fashion. Now you will add TV/Reality Personality to your resume. Tell us a little about ‘Us Talk’ and what you will bring to the show?
What I will bring to the show is an open book and transparency. I know that the topics that we touch will be relatable to our viewers. My life experience and story will save lives
LS: What is next for Angel Mckenzie? What will your top priorities be moving forward in your career?
Well, I have my own Body Sculpting business that is growing fast, so I plan on opening a spa, and as far as my music career I am coming out with a new EP hopefully dropping by late summer.